Monday, 23 September 2013


How to KNOW if She Wants a Kiss

by eHarmony Staff
How to Tell if She Wants a Kiss

The first kiss can force you into a tailspin of over-analysis, uncertainty and fear of rejection. Once you understand the secrets to smooching, scoring some mouth music will be a minor gamble rather than a major flip-out. If determining the right time for a first kiss is a challenge, follow some of these tested tips to determine your likelihood for affection.
Gauging the Graze
Her responses to your casual touching can speak volumes about her readiness to move forward. The casual sweeping of her shoulders as you help her with her coat, or her response when you brush against her hand in the popcorn bag or touch the small of her back as you guide her to the table provides plenty of clues. If she pulls away at all, then slow down a bit and take some more time. If she smiles, blushes or giggles, then it’s time to prolong your skin contact. Maybe a hand on hers at the dinner table or a steady arm when walking her to the car will be a comfortable next step toward sealing the smooch.
Hug It Out
One way to learn about how a woman feels about you is to assess the hug response. When saying hello or goodbye, keep the embrace short and look for nonverbal feedback. Does she linger a bit and press into you? If so, you might even be able to get the short first kiss in right then. If she seems a little put off—delivers the dreadful double pat on the back or the famed rigid arm hug—then you have a little more work to do in loosening her up and heading toward romance.
Enthusiasm Matters
If she’s interested, her eagerness will show. It’s generally those “in-between” times that will reveal her level of interest, clueing you in to how she feels about spending time with you. It’s generally in the lull between dinner and the movie or during the walk to the car that she has the best opportunity for reasons—or excuses—to end the date and go home. See if she is anxious to continue the date with you. Does she suggest the idea of coffee or a cocktail to extend the evening or is she looking for an opportunity to ditch you?
Asking for Action
A completely personal preference for women is whether they expect to be asked for permission to be kissed. To be on the safe side, you may be better off asking if you aren’t sure. It will be received as a sign that either you’re a respectful gentleman or you’re a wuss. Keep in mind that we’re talking about a simple display of affection. All you’re going to do is kiss her, and the sexiest way to do this is to be spontaneous. This means that if you want her to get excited, you’re going to have to kiss her without asking for permission. Besides, she can always give you the cheek if she’s not into it. As long as her vibe is welcoming and you don’t turn into a lecherous loser, she might appreciate your first move without hesitation.
Timing the Tenderness
Women notice and welcome the romance and timing of making a first kiss special. They love it when it’s memorable and positive but looks as if it happened spontaneously. Find a time when she’ll welcome some sugar but doesn’t necessarily expect it. A good rule to follow is to not plant the first kiss at a conventional moment when your date might be expecting – and guarding against – a lip lock. The end of the date is full of pressure as you stand at her door awkwardly commenting on how the date went, looking at your toes while fighting stomach butterflies and sweaty palms. Instead, pay attention to her cues and try kissing her earlier in the date or not at all.
The key to determining the right time to go in for the kiss is to pay attention to her hints. Not every date has to end with a smooch. Sometimes it’s better to take your time and work up to the passionate peck. The timing and strategy of kissing is not a science, but it will look that way if you are mechanical and rehearsed. When it finally happens, relax, have fun and enjoy one right in the smacker.


1. Thou Shalt NOT Make Thy Date Sit Through Stories of 'The Ex'
Seriously, this one is important like nothing else. No one wants to hear stories about how your bat-crap crazy ex wore rain boots to bed. Take it to therapy with you.
2. Thou Shalt NOT Involve Thy Children
I don't care how well-adjusted they seem, your children don't want to know about how nice the man who brought mommy home is, or how cute the woman who daddy's seeing is. In their minds, meeting the 'new beau' just solidifies the fact that you're moving on. Keep your "good news" to yourself.
3. Thou Shalt Date Like Crazy
Unless he's got teeth growing out of his shoulders and a hump on his back, date as many warm bodies as you can (note that I said 'date', not 'sleep with'). Give yourself the chance to get to know as many different personalities as possible, so you don't settle for that man/woman who treats you like a dog, thinking that you can't do better.
4. Thou Shalt Make the First Move
A first move is really nothing more significant than starting a conversation. It's no biggie. I know lots of women who wait for the man to make the first move. They generally date less than those who're perfectly fine playing the dude, and going for it first. Lots of men like a woman who will take that kind of control. Why should HE always have to do the work? If you want him, go GET him!
5. Thou Shalt Take the Time to Get to Know Thyself Before Dating Again
Jumping back into the dating pool simply because your ex is dating doesn't do you OR your prospective dates any good. You'll quickly end up visiting the first Commandment, dragging your pre-divorce baggage into your dating life to beat some poor unsuspecting bugger over the head with. Take the time to get over your divorce baggage, figure out who you are again. In a way, you have to 'rewind the clock' to looking at who you were before you were married. Only THEN are you somewhat ready to play nice with others.
6. Thou Shalt NOT Ditch Thy Friends in Order to Date
Ladies, breaking plans with girlfriends or altering your schedule if dating conflicts occur is a definite NO NO. Men don't change their schedules for us, they simply work around it, and you should too.
7. Thou Shalt NOT Give a Damn What Others Think About Your Choices
Far too often, we put too much stock in what others ie: friends and family will think about the fact that we're dating again, or about what they will think of your latest 'prospect'. Put it aside. Use your own best sense. Follow your gut. Nothing is better than that.
8. Thou Shalt Get a Wardrobe Inspection
If you haven't been in the dating game for a few years, your closet is likely full of styles from God knows what era, and you probably have the same "do" that you had when you got married. Having someone with some fashion sense give you an honest physical inspection is one of the best tips for dating after divorce. In order to attract others you have to be somewhat attractive, plain and simple.
9. Thou Shalt Be the Person You Want to Date
It sounds a bit self-centered but let me try to explain it delicately; Humans are visual beings for the most part...especially you men. If you won't date that woman with the extreme muffin-top, you need to ditch the third-trimester beer gut. Capiche?
10. Thou Shalt 'Look Up'
Lately, there's been a ton of talk about how difficult it is to find decent, 'normal', warm bodies to date. Divorced or not, dating is difficult anywhere, especially if you're afraid to take a chance. I was asked in an interview recently why I think that dating is so difficult, and quite frankly, I think the reason is twofold; Firstly, like I said before, we're afraid to take a chance. Men don't want to talk to the cute brunette in the coffee shop because they're afraid of getting shot down. Same goes for women. Big deal. So you get shot down. It won't kill you.
Secondly, we don't 'look up'.
Because of all of the social networking that we do, we connect on a technological level (ie: Twitter, Facebook, dating sites, etc.), but we've become totally anti-social in the real world. The next time you're in a coffee shop, take notice of how many men and women are completely ignoring each other, because whatever's on the iPhone or Blackberry is more engaging. Ludicrous!
People! LOOK UP! Connect with the humans around you! Talk to each other! Ask the brunette if you can buy her coffee! I promise you it won't kill you.

Sunday, 22 September 2013


Is Sex Necessary While You’re Dating?

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Is it necessary for teenagers or young adults who just entering college to have sex whilst dating? Is it true that most teenagers who are dating end up with the involved boys and girls having sex? What is the incidence of teen sex? What are the cultural differences in sexual attitudes?

These are some of the queries I attempt to answer in this short article.

Dating is a very important part of modern social behavior and cannot be condemned by civil society. The controversy lies around the rising trend of teen sex and its consequences. The liberal thinkers who advocate teen sex during dates are now an increasingly vocal number. Among the benefits is the fact that teenagers get a better understanding of the opposite sex and prepare them for adult life.

But the vast majority still believe that premarital sex is taboo, and definitely not during teen years when the child is in the phase between adulthood and childhood. This phase of life needs to be closely monitored with the parents always available to advise the adolescent rather than condemn him or her for their sexual adventurism. The biggest danger of teen sex is unwed motherhood or teen pregnancy. Such pregnancies endanger the life of both the teen mother and her unborn child. Teen pregnancy results in trauma, both to the boy and the girl, as well as their families. The legal issues of such an event are even worse, with the possibility of the boy being accused of rape and subsequent imprisonment. The other dangers include venereal diseases, notably HIVAIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea etc.

The social implications of unwed and teen pregnancies and teen motherhood are very great. Whole generations are now laid wasted by this process. So whilst dating may be acceptable, teens should be strongly advised against having sex.

The statistics: (USA)
Leading surveys on adolescent sexual habits show that almost 46 percent of all teens (fifteen- to nineteen-year-old) have had sexual intercourse (USA). By fifteen years old, 13 percent of teen females would have had sex. However by the age of nineteen, more than 70 percent of teen females have had sex (USA). These figures are rather disturbing by any account. Many liberal Western nations now freely allow the distribution of condoms and other contraceptives among adolescents, due to this trend. Another disturbing fact is the rise of STD (sexually transmitted diseases) among the youth. Nearly half of all new STD cases in USA occur among the teens (out of a total of nearly 19 million new cases each year).

The cultural differences in sexual attitudes:
Most Asian societies frown on premarital sex and anything more that polite social interaction between youth. Thailand is an exception to this rule. Here premarital sex is common and can be easily purchased (via sex workers or as sexual favors). Many, so called, primitive or tribal societies also allow premarital and extramarital sex. This is found in many tribes in India and other parts of Asia. A fact that needs to be noted is that societies that encourage frequent sex among married or unmarried men and women also are liberal and spend more time on eroticism and sexual encounters. These societies/ nations also have less time for war or aggression.

Sex is part of humans’ life, no denial. But it should be done with full consciousness and responsibilities. I strongly recommend that teenagers should not have sex until they fully understand the consequences that come with it.

Parents play a big role in this matter. Give clear understanding to their teenager child about sex, and parents’ support if somehow teenager has had sex.

After all, there should be time for everything. So why rush?


So you've finally met the man or woman of your dreams: great conversation, great times, great... Great Gosh! Suddenly his or her spouse is calling you accusing you of trying to destroy their marriage, and your dreamboat sails out of your life just like that. Unfortunately, for one reason or another married men and women do sometimes stray, and if you're not careful you could get caught in a very bad situation and never see it coming. How do you know if your love interest is already taken?

Edit Steps

  1. 1
    Don't become involved with men or women who you know are married. This should be obvious, but there are all kinds of ways for married people to explain their situation. For example, a man may tell you that he's separated from his wife, or a woman may say that the divorce is almost final. Almost doesn't count. Inviting these people into your life is like inviting heartbreak-and possibly bodily injury.

  2. 2
    Trust your instincts. If you have a feeling that something is wrong, don't ignore it. Where there is smoke, there is usually fire.

  3. 3
    Watch for obvious signs. OK, the wedding ring should clear up your doubts right away. Assuming the person is smart enough to take his or her ring off, though, there may still be a tan line on the ring finger. What about the pictures of that woman in his wallet or the photo of that man on her desk? Obvious clues should raise legitimate concerns, and you should ask about them and maybe do some investigating.

  4. 4
    Consider whether your meetings with the person are strange in any way. If the person won't give you his or her phone number, but rather insists only on calling you, that should be a red light. The same can be said if they'll only give you their cell phone or work number. If your meetings always have to be prearranged and have strict time frames, that's another bad sign. When you go out, do you always have to go someplace far away (another town or neighborhood, for example), or does the person always want to stay in? That should set off an alarm. Have you ever seen his or her house, or does the person always want to go to your house? Do you even know where he or she lives? In a normal dating relationship, you shouldn't have these constraints, so if you do, there's probably something wrong.

  5. 5
    Watch for strange behavior while on dates. If your date's cell phone rings at the restaurant and he or she has to urgently flee your table to answer it, you may be tempted to wonder why. Give in to that temptation. It could be an important work call, but then again, it could be his or her spouse, and the latter possibility becomes increasingly plausible if it seems to happen time and time again. You also should think it strange if he or she sees someone and tries to avoid them.

  6. 6
    Watch his or her reaction when you talk about family or past relationships. Usually these things come up in the course of conversation, but if you're suspicious, you may want to tactfully bring them up. If the person seems uncomfortable talking about such subjects, or if their body language indicates that they may be lying, your suspicions may be warranted.

  7. 7
    Your date may give you strange or suspicious reasons for not wanting to go to certain places. Consider this a red flag because they may be avoiding these areas so they aren't seen by anyone they know that could tell their spouse about what's going on.

  8. 8
    Make sure you meet the person's friends. At some point, usually early, in a relationship, you should probably have occasion to meet some of the person's friends. If you don't, he or she may be hiding you from them. The same could be true if you meet one or two of the person's friends, but only those one or two every time.

  9. 9
    Make sure you're satisfied with the answers to your questions. If you ask the person about something strange that's happening, make sure you believe what he or she says. If you have lingering doubts, it may be time to end the relationship or at least to do a little investigating. Telling lies isn't a big deal for someone who is cheating on his or her spouse, so don't be blinded by love into accepting whatever answer you're given.

  10. 10
    Drive by his or her house or stop by unexpectedly. This assumes you know where the person lives, and it also assumes that you believe you have reason to be suspicious. Usually a visit to the house will quickly tell you if the person is married.

  11. 11
    Do some sleuthing. A simple internet search for the person's name may turn up some interesting information, such as photos of him and his wife at a party or their names appearing together on a club's membership roster. If you want to get a little bit more involved, you can do a public records search and look for things like joint home ownership. A person's car can also provide you some clues. Does the registration in the glove box list two names, for example, or somebody else's name? Is their lipstick in your man's car?

  12. 12
    Hire a pro. Relationships are built on trust, and it's hard to remain trustworthy yourself when you're hiring a private investigator, but if you really need answers it may be the way to go.


5 Hot Tips On How To Attract Married Women

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5 Hot Tips On How To Attract Married WomenAt some point in their lives, a good number of men often wonder how to attract married women. Today, more and more men are finding approaching and seducing married women very satisfying. There are several reasons why men might do this, they may want to take up the challenge to try and win over something that has already been taken or the fact that usually there are no commitments involved and also great sex. Remember though you are just looking to have a good time, not to break up marriages. If you want to attract a married woman and you think she will be willing, don’t be ashamed, go ahead and do it, but just make sure you both understand the ground rules so no-one gets hurt. Wanting to know how to attract a married woman is one thing, but knowing how to go about it is essential so that you can be successful. Here are 5 hot tips on how to attract married women.
Tip #1: Appreciate Her
Married women mostly feel bored and unappreciated at home. So to attract her, you have to make her feel gorgeous and appreciated. Many of these women are insecure about themselves and do not feel as beautiful as when they were not married. Therefore, telling her that she is sexy will most definitely flatter her and this increases the chances of getting her attracted to you. Giving her all the lavish praises and compliments she might be lacking at home is very essential.
Tip #2: Treat Her As If She Were Single
When learning how to attract a married woman, do not treat her as if she is another man’s wife. Treat her like a young, single and sexy woman. Never bring up stories about her husband and ensure you make all your conversations about the two of you. Every woman wants to remain young and sexy in the eyes of men, as women age they feel less sexy hence ensure you assure her that she is still a turn on for any man, especially you!

Tip #3: Ensure She Knows You Want Her, But Don’t Stalk!

You should give the woman you are interested in your telephone number and then let her call you. Avoid going too far with everyday calls as this might put her in an uncomfortable position or even scare her away. Remember, what you are looking to have with her is a fun fling and not to break up her marriage. Most of her time she is probably with her husband and you do not want her to raise any suspicions. Leaving everything to her gives her the control she requires to feel free to adequately pursue her extramarital affair.
Tip #4: Be Unpredictable
One thing to remember when wanting to know how to attract married women is that the chances are that her husband is very predictable. Therefore, you need to be as unpredictable as you possibly can. You can achieve this by calling her at times on a weekday and changing it to a weekend. Avoid performing the same sexual moves all the time and keep bringing something new once in a while. Avoid taking her out on usual dates. Be sophisticated and sexy by dressing fashionably. Always ensure that the woman likes how you look. Remember, appearance is great very crucial in any relationship, and this is not different. Wear nice cologne and look fresh and clean at all times. Married women want something exciting to fulfill a fantasy so don’t disappoint her.
Tip #5: It Is All About Her
This is almost certainly what she is missing in her marriage hence a great way to attract her. Give her anything she needs. If she wants to talk, for example, listen to her and show her that you care what she is saying. Act like a good friend and lover. You should also show her passion by being passionate about things you share from the food you eat together to the great sex you share.
So, how to attract married women is not very difficult if you follow the simple rules above. By making her feel sexy and appreciated, you will find yourself in a fantastic passionate relationship within no time. This way, you will have a satisfying sexual relationship, where both parties don’t have to worry about commitments. By following the above tips, your fantasy of attracting a beautiful married woman will very much become a reality.


What Married Women Want?

Not every woman is unfaithful, although many married women do have affairs. All married women wish for love, affection, and happiest given by their husband. What more can they ask for?
We all know that not everyone’s path is the same. And at times it does not go as smooth as we all wish it to be. It might be your husband is never home and always at work till odd hours of the night, you have children that you requires your care and by the end of the day you are just too tried, or it is that you both have a problems but you both prefer not to think about it. So, for whatever reason is, your marriage has lost its passion, love, and tender loving care (TLC). And looking in the wives prospective, dating is just a way to find that lost passion, love and TLC in their lives.
For some cheating wives, the affair is truly all about sex. While for others dating is just a way to find the lost passion, they use to have. Not every married woman is unfaithful. For most wives, dating online to them is not actually considered cheating. To them cheating is only when the affair extends beyond a chat in the computer, but becoming sexual.
Not every woman is unfaithful. These days, many girls don’t get married until they are older and more mature. This way they can make better choices of the appropriate person and can also be more engaged in the relationship.
It should be noted that not all affairs are flings. Many married women develop an emotional connection in their cheating rather than something which is sexual. In most of these cases, most married women have inattentive husband. His “affair with his work or other passion such as sport may turn his wife into a cheating wife. These married women do not feel valued, respected. She feels that she is not treated nicely and is always taken for granted. By finding someone who makes that feel good about themselves, who does those small things for them and saying the right things makes them feel very seductive and very appealing.

Married Women Stories | How to Date Married Women Online?
Married Women Looking For Men | Why do Married Women Cheat?


How to date a Married Woman

How to date a Married Woman

Every man on this earth is interested & want to know more & more about the Women, even some of them have mastered this art, but still it's any mens desire to know more & more about the Women, dating & having good sex.
`How to seduce a Woman', especially, a married one, I'm talking of seducing married women & about how to date them. Yes !!! folks, you have read it right - `how to date a married woman'. If you are seriously thinking about dating a married woman, then you must go through my article completely & try out these tips, once you'd master this art, then the success would be entirely yours. Any woman on this earth can be seduced even if she's happily married with her husband & so-called satisfied in her life. Women loves the attention & are always looking for te center of attraction. They love the compliments on their beauty & they get attracted towards the charm of handsome men.
Most of the men makes mistake in believing that it's easy to date a girl, rather than a married women, this is not complete truth. Well to on an extent it's right, but once you would master this art, you would agree with me too that It's easy to date a beautiful married woman than dating a girl. Getting involved in a relationship with a girl or a single woman involves commitment, whereas there are no commitments involved in this relationship. No matter how happy a woman is married, but she's always on the look out for that perfect man & her search never finishes.
Actually, no men & women are perfect but men search often stops after some point of time but the women are always on prowl for that perfect partner, they actually get bored of living in the four walls of the house.

Where to look out for these Women

Any married women whether working or a house wife is always looking for that spark in her love life but slowly & gradually that spark dies down with the time & as their husbands always take them for granted. These married women then get extra cautious in choosing their partner with lot of care because they needs to be sure that their men should be different from others & they would know it fully that there would be no commitment part attached to this relationship & it would not be a serious & a long relationship. Actually they both knows that the relationship they are looking for would revolve around only 'sex'.
For Men, the best place to lookout for these women are in workplaces, discotheque's, pubs, clubs, some adult finder sites on internet & sometimes the supermarkets. So, here's your chance to find these women & you can take them on a date.
Lookout for a Woman in a pub or a club is who is sitting alone on the couch & having hunger in her eyes, looking at every corner & trying to attract the attention of everybody. This Woman will go all out to catch the attention of any man, else why would a married woman will go out for drinks alone. Never hesitate to approach this beautiful woman, most of the men wrongly believes that the chances of approaching an attractive & beautiful female would be less successful whereas it's reverse. Actually a beautiful & an attractive women would more likely to get fallen for a man than an ordinary looking women, as these most attractive & beautiful women love the attention of the men & are always on the look out for the same. They like somebody to give them the compliments & comments on their beauty whereas their husbands take them for granted.
As a Man, you should not be ashamed of dating a married woman as these Women are not looking for a serious & long term relationship & their approach towards this relationship is crisp & clear.
Well, the decision of sleeping with a guy would be entirely her decision. There are lots of positives for her in this relationship - No commitment, no answering but the satisfaction.

How to make the next Move !!!

Ok now you found your match, the tip to start this relationship would be to go very slow, if you want all the pleasures you are looking for. You must ask her for the date either on the coffee table or for a drink at a nice pub in the evening. You may invite her at your place too for a normal reason, which doesn't seems to be very obvious.
Never try to start your relationship on phone or through sms, though it might be a good idea to exchange some nice sms's in the beginning, but never depend only on voice / sms. As she's not looking for a voice else she can always try her luck at the party line.
On the first date, your first line should be a nice comment on her beauty, her eyes & her hair, her dress. Women always likes to have the attention of the Men & are always looking for the compliment on her. Your comments should be real & genuine, never try to make fake comments as women are very smart to catch it.
You should try good sense of humor, needs to be spontaneous, you must flirt with her & keeps the environment on the lighter side but on the other hand you should be a great patient listener as well. Never try to talk about you on the 1st date, your entire conversation should revolve around her. Try to know about her lifestyle, her needs, her desires.
The best way to win her trust is to try convincing her that she can rely on you & she can share her secrets with you & you can make her dream real. Never try to be a critic & never argue on any topic. In case of any difference of opinion, try to offer a midway solution. Keep flirting with her as most of the women love flirting but don't overdo it.
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Tips & points to remember

There are certain tips for you on your dressing sense. It should match entirely with the place or on the occasion. Never try to being a cowboy or copy Tom Cruise style, your attire should be attractive & should match with the place.
If you are going in a Club, pub or a bar, then try to be formal but if you are going out for a coffee then a pair of jeans & a nice color shirt would do. You must wear a nice deodorant as women hates stinking hairy bears. To start the conversation try & avoid talking about yourself & discussing your life, you can start about her zodiac sign & try to know her nature or maybe try to guess her zodiac sign (say in 3 chances). This way you can prove your wittiness on her, but you need to do your homework quiet smartly.
Another important thing, you must try & convincing her that she's interested in you rather than you are interested in her. Try to keep the conversation between the two of you as simple as possible, instead you must pick the topics & interests you both have in common. Your primary job is to find out more & more about the woman sitting in front of you. Last, but not the least try to avoid kissing & sex on the first date but if the environment allows you & she's interested & it's necessary to kiss then don't stop yourself & go ahead. You must be confident man & keep telling yourself inside that you are not at all nervous, most of the women like confident & daring men rather than Mamma's boy.
Don't be ashamed of dating a married woman, as the idea of sleeping with you would finally & entirely be her decision.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013


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