Crazy But Effective Dating Tips On How To Win A Girl's Heart
How To Win A Girl Over
If you are looking for some killer dating, love and seduction techniques and tips on how to win a girl over then you are at the right place. The truth is that it is pretty easy to win
over a girl’s heart, provided you know what you are doing, of course.
The problem is that there is just too much nonsense when it comes to
dating and seduction advice – much of which are given out by slimy
“relationship gurus” who are out to make a quick buck out of poor guys
who have problems in their relationships.
Who can they blame?If you are looking for some good advice and techniques on how to get a girl to like you and quickly win her over, then you will find plenty of help here. Read on to discover how you can win a girl’s heart and some guaranteed methods to win her over – even though she has rejected you.
How To Win A Girl’s Heart – Proven Strategies To Win A Girl Over
- First, learn some hypnosis. It is proven that such techniques (and those which are based on human psychology and persuasion) tend to work effectively well when it comes to dating and seducing women. It’s no surprise that much of the current seduction knowledge base is entirely built upon the hypnosis and neuro linguistic programming (NLP) body of knowledge. Therefore, if you want to learn how to win a girl over using seduction techniques then it will be useful for you to get an understanding of how love and relationships based on hypnosis work. Go for it – it is worthwhile in the long run. I don’t mean that you should go and enroll yourself in a weekend hypnosis course at your local college, but start by reading up on books on female psychology and persuasion such as those by Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud and Derek Rake.
- Practice with women you meet everywhere. Now it’s relatively easy to just read up on some books giving out relationship advice. The harder thing is to go out there and practice what you have learned. Start by going to the local bookstore or coffee shop. Then, approach the first girl that you see (does not matter whether the girl is hot or not). Then, use the seduction techniques you learned here at this website (or at or elsewhere). You may fail to impress a girl the first time, but keep on going. With enough practice, you will be able to know how to win a girl’s heart quickly and effectively using these love tactics. This is also when you can really know how to get a girl to like you and get her emotionally connected to you. For more techniques on dating and relationships, start mastering the art of dating women!
- Groom like a pro. Let’s face it – girls won’t date guys who look sloppy. It’s even worse if you spot a 35-inch belly. Lose the fat by hitting the gym. Whoever who tells you that looks are not important is pulling your leg. Go work out and start lifting weights.
How To Win A Girl’s Heart Back – Even Though She Has Already Rejected You
We all know that rejection hurts like hell. There
is, however, a method that you can use to win a girl if you don’t mind
using some killer psychology and persuasion techniques. Here are a
couple of these “female psychology loophole” techniques and tricks that
will make a woman come running into your arms even though she may have
broken your heart before…
- Firstly, gain some composure. Remember that confidence is the number one factor on how girls would rate their boyfriends. Don’t be desperate. Instead, think of what you can offer a girl in a relationship and focus on that.
- Be the best boyfriend you can be. Always be there for her, and care for her even though she has rejected you. Act as if you are her boyfriend already.
- Call her everyday and every night before she goes to sleep. This way she will fall asleep thinking about you. She might just dream about you and her being together, and in love!
- Ask her reasons why she rejected you. She might think that you are a fat slob (easy fix – just hit the gym!), or if she is already attached to another guy. If this is the reason, then continue reading and I will show you how to win a girl’s heart who has a boyfriend. Go on…
How To Win A Girl Over Even Though She Is Already Attached
You must use Boyfriend Destroyer
techniques – plain and simple. If you are not already using these dating
and advanced seduction techniques then you are losing out – plain and
simple. Go Google it and then buy whatever you see. These are not
conventional techniques, but if you use them you will be able to upgrade
your relationships and date whatever women you wish. It’s really that
powerful. Otherwise, go read the complete SeductionFAQ website ( and you will be able to upgrade your seduction skills and be the ultimate pickup artist that you ever wanted to be.
UPDATED: I have received
numerous emails on dating and seduction tips and techniques that I share
here at this website. I can’t answer every email, but if you insist on
my help then ask for my rate card. Thank you for understanding.
What to Do When Another Guy Flirts with Your Date
So you’re on a date with this awesome woman and you
were having such a grand time when you have to go get a drink or to the
men’s room. You were already rehearsing in your head how
to ask her out for a second date when you were stopped in your tracks on
your way back to her: some guy is flirting with her.
While in this situation, it would be very helpful if you check on your date’s demeanor while someone else was flirting with her. Do not get played on by a girl– if you saw that she was flirting back, you can either change the way you treat her to get all her attention, or forget about a second date where she’d likely flirt with someone else around you.
What do you do?
In a situation like this, it is pretty easy to let your
testosterone do the talking and brawn out. Of course that would be the
easy way to get rid of the flirting guy. But it’s also the easiest way
to lose your date. Oh and maybe get arrested for causing disturbance or
at the very least, be thrown out of the restaurant/bar forever.
So, in this situation, what does a savvy, classy,
handsome gentleman do in this situation? Here are some gentlemanly,
win-worthy tips that will not only get rid of the flirt but will win you
the lady:

1. Keep yourself calm and composed.
Instinctively, some guys feel the urge to get mad and lose their entire mood over this situation. They end up being grumpy douches and ruins the entire evening for himself and for his date. Result: the flirt may not have won it but neither have you – because any girl would be turned off by the sudden and obvious change in mood. Don’t let your savage brutish self get in the way of your great evening.2. Ignore the flirter if he is flirting from afar.
That’s what we girls do and it works. You don’t lose face, and you definitely don’t get in any trouble. Oh, and while at it, go ahead and get your date’s attention back. Sure the flirter must have taken your spot for a fraction of a minute there or so, but it’s time to take the throne back.3. Impress your date and keep the flirter envious.
If the date has been going on really well, and you’ve made a great impression on your date, keep going at it and impress her even further. If you have learned the covert seduction technique (fractionation), now is the best time to use it. On top of keeping her attention on you for the rest of your date, you’ll surely get your message across to the flirter: this is your date and it’s going to stay that way. That’s one good way of getting the testosterone levels pumped up in a competitive but safe and peaceful stance.4. Take your date somewhere else.
Take her out for coffee, more cocktails, or to some make-believe favorite cake shop or bakery elsewhere. This is not backing down. This is being territorial without being a total hippo. Hate the flirter? Then leave him alone without him getting any chance at your date!While in this situation, it would be very helpful if you check on your date’s demeanor while someone else was flirting with her. Do not get played on by a girl– if you saw that she was flirting back, you can either change the way you treat her to get all her attention, or forget about a second date where she’d likely flirt with someone else around you.
Dating Your Ex
Should you really date your ex?
A lot of people say that love is sweeter and definitely
lovelier the second time around. After all, by then we would have
learned the lessons of the past relationship and become wiser, better
people and better lovers. But is it really a great idea to actually try
to rekindle an old flame? Is a recurring feeling towards your
ex-girlfriend a good enough reason to forget about why you broke up in
the first place?
Here are some pros and cons of dating an ex, and see if your pro’s can outweigh the odds:
- You won’t live in what ifs. If you have an unfinished business, if you still have feelings for your ex, and if you think these feelings are worth a second chance, by all means don’t deprive yourself of the chance to try these feelings out and make it work again. According to the Sonic Seduction blueprint of seduction, one should always work hard to get what he or she wants, especially in terms of seducing. Who knows, the time you’ve spent apart were enough a time to realize that you’ve left a big gap in each other’s hearts and only you could fill those gaps. Instead of just wondering about what would have happened, go ahead and give it a try. Whether it works or it does not, you’d know better because you’ve actually given it a try.
- Going out with a former lover will leave out the awkwardness and the getting to know part. Unless you’ve separated for a very long time, getting back with your ex will save you the awkwardness of getting to know someone new. You would only be reliving some old memories together, talking about familiar things and familiar people because you already know each other. And depending on how your last meeting went, your date would likely be less awkward than or not awkward at all – definitely something you won’t find in a new girl kind of date.
- You have something to talk about. Sure it may include some old memories but if you play your cards right, your old memories and old issues might just be the thing that would bridge you both. Unlike in a new fling where you have to discover new feelings, dating your ex-girlfriend would likely bring some old, more innocent feelings back which is always makes for a great recipe for an even better love story.
- Old flame, old issues. You guys broke up for a reason – and this reason might be good (or bad) enough to tear up some new relationship you’re trying to build. Love may be sweeter, but if it goes bad and she has kept you hanging in the relationship, it may become so much more bitter, the second time around too.
- One of you might be after some sweet revenge. This is the biggest risk in trying to get back with an ex. She may be dating you again to get back at you over the last relationship, or you to her. And maybe even not but thoughts and suspicions of this possibility might haunt either of you for the rest of the time you’re dating.
- You may have changed drastically over the time you spent apart and you may just have lost everything that has made you a compatible pair. People change – and she might have changed enough to lose the person that you once fell for. It may not work at all.
What to Do When Your Girlfriend’s Sister is Hotter
There will always be someone prettier, sexier and much, much hotter than your girlfriend. It’s
a fact of the physical world. The only thing worse than finding
yourself attracted with some girl is when the girl you find hotter than
your own ladylove is if your girlfriend’s own sister.
It’s one big horrible joke, right? It’s like a big bad movie joke played on someone like Vince Vaughn.
But should you find yourself in this weird
Hollywood-esque situation, here are some tips to get away from your
girlfriend’s hot sister without getting in trouble with either your
girlfriend or her sister:
- Find her flaws.
- Appreciate your girlfriend more.
- Don’t tell your friends about her in a lustful way.
- Think of her as your own sister.
- Lastly, stop describing her as ‘hot’.
Dating an Adventurous Girl

A little adventure and creativity could go a long way!
The ladies of today are far from the
corset-bearing, fan-covering, veil-wearing women of the middle ages. And
they have evolved from the Rosie the Riveters of the war era. The young women of today are more fearless and generally more adventurous. I’ve previously written about dating hippie girls. And now, let’s talk about adventurous ones. We have become adventurous not only the jobs we do, the sports we take, and even in the hobbies that we do.
This being adventurous can only be seen
by men two ways: an advantage and a challenge. See, for some men, dating
an adventurous girl makes it so much easier for them to take these
girls out on dates. These girls like the outdoors or they like doing
daredevil-ish stunts, or they plainly like doing anything that makes
every testosterone-bearing man feel emasculated but still manage to look
like they were wearing puffy dresses and stilettos while at it. And for
the equally adventurous man, this can only be good and towards their
advantage since they would only make dating easier and, well, yes,
adventurous. Click here if you want to know how to meet them.
But for the sedentary men, the men who
could not leave the indoors and who could hardly make a shift off of
their office seats to explore the wilder side of the world, this is a
bit of a challenge. No, actually, a really big challenge.
If you’re one of these men who are
challenged by adventurous girls, here are some tips and dating ideas for
dating these adventurous wild-sided women:
- Be open-minded. These unadventurous men are either too narrow-minded to accept that some women can be extra-adventurous than usual or they are too boring to try something new. They either box these women to the stereotype of being less than decent and gave them less respect that they deserve or actually not join them in their adventures. And then there goes the potential girlfriend. Poof!
- Tell her to take it a little slow. You don’t really and exactly have to throw yourself off a bridge in a bungee jumping attempt just to show off and then suffer the consequences of your long term fear of heights. You don’t have to be so much out of your comfort zone to try something for the sake of impressing her. Or at least you don’t have to do it abruptly. You can keep her interested while you’re learning to enjoy the things that she does enjoy so give yourself some time to try things out.
- Put an adventurous twist to your usual dates – to have you both enjoy each a piece of your thing. So you’re into quiet, wine dates. She’s into exploring the outdoors. Why don’t you go on a picnic in the woods, on a starry night, with a basketful of wine and fruits or wine and chocolates. A little creativity and a little adventure will go a really long way, and the right girl will appreciate you venturing out into your unfamiliar and your uncomfortable turf to make her happy. Here are some unusual date ideas for you and your date. Remember, women are all about effort, effort, effort.
Take the challenge of dating an adventurous girl! You’ll be surprised at what you’re going to discover. Good luck!
Tips on Dating a Hippie Girl
The hippie movement is back in the
mainstream. As ironic as it sounds, it is true. Though the hipsters have
never really gone away, their presence quieted down for quite a while
until much recently. And now you see them pretty hipster girls
everywhere with their pretty little braids, organic bags, vintage looks,
and outspoken opinions about the things that matter in the society. Tips on how to pick up women are pretty much the same, although some needs some tweaking depending on the type of girls you’re flirting with.
So you’re attracted to a hippie chick?
And you think you have a clue on how to date one? Hah! Think again. They
are cut differently from the mainstream ladies of this generation. Your
old ways may not exactly fit into their against-the-flow personalities
and lifestyles.
So here goes something that might help you dodge a probable hipster rejection. Here are tips on how to date a hippie girl:

The hippies are back! Are you ready to date one?
- Leave your expensive stuff at home. If you’re used to wearing leather through and through and you have the latest phone model around, and you drive around town in your posh European luxury car, then you’re out of the hippie girl’s date options. Hipster girls are against the trend, against the elitist, and so-called self-centered lifestyles of this modern day and age. Ditch your expensive crocodile loafers for cloth espadrilles or flip flops and discover your town’s local train station. You can never wow a hippie chick with the glitz and glams so change your style.
- Avoid the meaty options for meal dates. Going on a dinner date? Forget about taking her to a barbecue. Most hipster girls are tree huggers and vegetarians too so the best options for you on a dinner or lunch date is at your local organic farmer’s market, some vegetarian restaurant, or artist’s cafĂ©. The food, the atmosphere, and the people in these places in general fit her taste and she’d likely be more comfortable than if you take her to some posh resto or bar.
- You don’t have to be a hipster to date one. You’re not in some contest for the next John and Yoko or something. You don’t need to exactly share in her beliefs be it in politics, the environment or lifestyle. The secret, however, is to be open minded. And be a gentleman. It never fails. Do not frown at her hippie ways or bad mouth her causes. Hipster activists are some of the most passionate people around and they would not appreciate their cause being ridiculed. If you can’t accept it, at least respect it.
- Give her an appropriate gift. Again, the more expensive ones will be frowned at. Or worse, she’d give you a lecture on how many children in Africa would have benefited from the money you spent on her gift. If you have the time and the skills, make her a handmade trinket or something. If not, you can always buy her a journal made out of recycled paper, or some reusable bag made form organic materials. Or better yet, give her the gift of time by going out to discover her causes and maybe volunteer for one session or two.
What to Do When You’ve Been Played On by a Girl
We can’t all be that lucky all our
lives; at least not all the time anyway. Some time, somewhere in our
history, we get played (not to be confused with being kept hanging) on by some nasty player. Someone uses our vulnerability for their own selfish intents.

Not everyone is lucky in love. Cheer up!
Sure it’s unfair – but life is! And when this happens, what’s a classy gentleman to do?
Here are some tips for classy men on what they should do if they get played on by a girl:
- Vengeance is never in your hands. The playing field is never even between a player and a non-player. And even if you call yourself a “self-confessed” player, you have proven yourself inadequate in that field by getting played on. So you can’t really get back at her in that premise. One, you’re likely to lose and two, doing it will not correct anything. At all. Sure it would take your ‘ego’ back but will it erase the fact that you’ve been played on? You got that one right: NO.
- Do not avenge at someone else’s cost. A lot of guys have made the mistake of hurting someone else to avenge the bloody blow to their egos. For some reason, it somehow makes them feel better that they’ve done exactly what they’ve experienced. This is morally wrong. This is the epitome of ‘ungentlemanly’. Wait ‘til your conscience eats you up alive to understand what I’m talking about.
- Do not lose your pride over her when you know that you’ve been played. So she’s already told you – in the face – that she has been playing with you. Don’t go around stalking her, hoping that somewhere along the way she’d find herself liking you for real. Save your face boy. You’ve been played on – and the first step to moving on is acceptance. A gentleman knows where he is wanted and where he isn’t. And surely, the girl who was playing games on you definitely does not want you
- Fight evil with kindness. One of the worst parts about getting played on, apart from actually getting played on, is when you get played on and she tells the whole freaking planet about it. But play it cool, like a true classy gentleman. If she says bad things about you, and people ask you about it, say nice things about her. Without any hint of sarcasm, tell them how good she was as a person. This may be hard, but in the end, everyone who knew about what she did to you will admire you for still being a gentleman in spite of.
- Be happy with a new girl. No, I’m not suggesting getting a rebound. What I’m suggesting, however, is go out there and socialize and look HAPPY. Here is a guide from on picking up girls. You might find it handy. Your ego may be killing you deep inside but if you put on the cool, unaffected, happy face in front of everyone you know – plus you say nice things about her – you’ll earn people’s respect. Oh, right about the same time she loses them.
- Lastly, use the incident to your advantage. A gentleman may be nice most of the time, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how to use an opportunity when one comes knocking on his door. Don’t hesitate to tell the story of how you’ve been conned by a girl you truly cared about – share it with some girl you’ve been trying to pick up at the bar or at a party. Tell her exactly how gentlemanly your ways are in handling that situation. Now that’s classy!
Let’s Talk about Kissing
Kissing is an essential part of intimate relationships. Whether
it’s a peck in the cheek, a small smack, or a full on torrid Frenchie,
kissing is a very good way of conveying passion and intimacy to your
partner. Different types of kisses mean different things
and done to different people; but apart from how deep, how sloppy and
how quick or how long the kiss lasted, the other thing that is an area
of concern when it comes to kissing is when it happens. Do you delve
into the quick first kiss on the first date? If not, when do you do it?

Here are some guidelines on kissing that you should never, ever forget:

Kisses have different types and meaning. Don’t be clueless the next time you kiss your lady.
- The only acceptable kisses on the first date are the courteous pecks on the cheeks. One is enough but if you are feeling English, go for both cheeks. You cannot go too far as a peck on the lips on the first date, unless you want to go home with a slap on the face. But if she initiates it, given that the lady is not drunk or drugged, by all means take it but be a gentleman while at it.
- Don’t forget your hygiene. A chance at some post-date smooch is always a good reason and motivation to floss and use mouthwash. Oh, and to bring breath mints as well. The last thing you want is end an otherwise awesome date with your lady having to catch her breath after kissing all the garlicky food you just had for dinner. This should also remind you to avoid strong-smelling food for dinner.
- Don’t be too pushy and aggressive on your first kiss. In a boxing match, the first round or two is always used to measure up each other. The first kiss should be no different. Going too pushy and shoving in your tongue too soon is not the best way to go. Start slow, soft and gentle. It will not only get you a chance to adjust into her ‘kissing style’; she will think you’re the perfect gentleman.
- Another very important point when kissing is where to place your hands while kissing. It is pretty easy to fall into full lust mode and try groping her. Do that when you’re in bed and ready to shred each other’s clothes off. But for the first few kisses, you may want to romantically but comfortably rest your hands cupping her jaws, or holding her waist firmly.
- If your kiss was not meant for something else, end it with a kiss on the forehead. After smooching your way in her lips and you need to let go, finish it with a long, lingering peck on her forehead. For some reason, a kiss on the forehead after a long liplock is a way of showing respect for the lady. It’s a perfect way to cap off a kiss, and it does not even feel grandma-ish at all!
- Don’t kiss and tell. A guy who kisses and tells is a total turn off. It’s disgusting, it’s ungentlemanly. This is against the rules. Still don’t get it? Go and read the flirting 101 guide at Now!
What to do If She Keeps You Hanging
What could be worse than being rejected by a girl? Simple: not being rejected but not being accepted either.
Being in a relationship limbo is even worse than being in the
friendzone. With friendzone, you know where you’re at – friendship and
nothing more. You keep your hopes in check, you know how to act, you
know what you are to her.
But being in this limbo – of “being more
than friends and less than lovers”, it’s one way or the other. The
thing about this state of un-relationship is that, it does not have a
future. It’s just one way or the other. One of you would have to make a
decision real soon.

If you think she’s been keeping you hanging for too long, confront her.
If you’re in this situation, and she
keeps you hanging for far too long, there are two things that you can
do: fight or flight. If you think she is worthy of a fight, try some
techniques on how to win a girl over first.
What to do when this hits you:
- So you’ve been dating for the longest time but she hasn’t said no to you. Neither has she said yes. What’s a guy to do anyway when the decision always lies in the hands of the lady? The first thing to do is to confront her.
- She cannot keep dodging the subject forever and enjoy the benefits and comforts of being in a relationship without actually making a commitment. So instead of waiting for her to make a move towards it, if you think it’s taken too long, then maybe it’s time you bring the subject up yourself.
- There are two ways that she might react from it: to face you or to continuously dodge from it. If she does talk to you about it, listen to what she has to say. There’s probably a reason why she isn’t ready, or why she’s afraid of commitment, or why she is not ready for you.
- If it’s a trust issue, you might have to go a step further with earning her trust. If it’s fear of commitment she has, then you would have to make her feel better about being in an actual relationship with you. Sometimes, it just takes the right person to quell all fear out. It is also extra helpful if you know what goes on in her mind.
How to Make Her Understand Your Side
When you confront her, make her
understand why you need a decision sooner or later. You can’t both be
wasting each other’s time by being together but not really being
together. Explain to her that you are actually looking for a real
relationship, and not just someone to keep your bed warm – you want
someone that will be there when things are far less comfortable and
And if you cannot be that for each other, then you’re cheating yourselves of the chance to meet the right person meant for it.
Fight or Flight
If she just could not make a decision,
or she cannot give you just enough reason to wait any longer for her to
make a final step, then it’s time to see her off and leave her. Tell you
what, it’s the same as a breakup so here’s how to overcome a breakup for you to consider. Save yourself from further heartaches, boy. I hate to break it to you but she’s just not that into you.
Learning the Ways of the Gentleman
Whoever said that chivalry is dead and being a gentleman is not
cool must be surrounded by arrogant douchebags. (Or are
So maybe in this day and age men who would take off his jacket to cover a puddle of mud are hard to find. Doesn’t mean they’ve gone extinct. In a society where all you see are men who wear the waistband of their jeans on their knees, walk around baring their abdomens in public, and whose vocabulary is 90% bleep-worthy on TV censorship standards, the well-mannered gentleman is but a precious gem to us women.

So men, don’t listen to your fellow guys who say being a gentleman is
being a loser. You can be cool and be a gentleman at the same time!
Here are some tips on how to become a gentleman:
Men, girls know it’s easy being a gentleman when you’re trying to impress us. But what we really see is what kind of man you are to people you’re not trying to get something from. That’s character. That’s true manliness. That’s sexy.
So maybe in this day and age men who would take off his jacket to cover a puddle of mud are hard to find. Doesn’t mean they’ve gone extinct. In a society where all you see are men who wear the waistband of their jeans on their knees, walk around baring their abdomens in public, and whose vocabulary is 90% bleep-worthy on TV censorship standards, the well-mannered gentleman is but a precious gem to us women.

Picking her up on a date and opening the car door for her make you more attractive.
Here are some tips on how to become a gentleman:
- Gentlemanliness is manliness at its best. This is one of the SonicSeduction tips on asking a girl out. You can be a workout machine with world-class biceps/triceps but with the attitude of a beast. Not cool man. Being a gentleman does not make you effeminate or whatever douchebags these days would like to call the finer of the lot. It makes you better, manlier men because you know how to put yourself out there for others.
- Being a gentleman is being hygienic. A man’s personal hygiene is a good measure of his fineness. His nails are clean, his nose is clean, he does not smell bad, and he wears clean clothes. No you don’t have to douse yourself in perfume and be a walking fire hazard, but it does help if you smell just as clean as you look.
- Being a gentleman is looking out for the needs of others, especially women, children and the aged before himself. A gentleman knows when and how he can help. A natural way to win a girl over. He lets the grumpy old man go before him in the checkout counter because he knows he can stand a bit longer than the rheumatic man. He stops on his tracks to help a kid cross the street, and opens the door for a lady even when she wasn’t his date.
- A gentleman speaks with respect. It can really be difficult to curse sometimes, even girls have their moments. But a gentleman would not get into the face of someone to malign him with words that are out of this moral world’s realm. And he always chooses his words carefully, especially when dealing with the elderly and the ladies.
- A gentleman is a RESPECTFUL driver. He does not cut on your lanes, he stays where he’s supposed to be and he does not disobey traffic rules. And oh, he does not honk angrily like a mad, savage ape. Heck, he does not even honk unless life-or-death necessary!
Men, girls know it’s easy being a gentleman when you’re trying to impress us. But what we really see is what kind of man you are to people you’re not trying to get something from. That’s character. That’s true manliness. That’s sexy.
Manly Skin Care, Anyone?
Fact: skin care products are not
makeup. And using a facial wash does not make you less manly. Not even
homosexual! And no, you don’t have to go Scott Disick overboard on the
Bigger fact: your girlfriend would not mind you using stuff on your face if it makes your skin clearer and better. For example, I followed the advice on this blog post.
I actually go out of my way to get the right facial wash for my man
because I love him and I don’t think it makes him “gay” as many of you
macho men would like to put it.
And yes, there are now facial and skin
care products that are made for men. They have long been there you just
didn’t notice them.
Here are some essential manly skin care tips (you and your girlfriend are going to thank me for this):
- Cleansing facial wash – tired of acne? Hate the huge pores and blackheads and whiteheads? That’s just a lot of packed dirt all over your face – seeped in the cells and the pores of your face. These bacteria-infused dirt causes acne especially on oily skin and other skin impurities. Go for a facial wash that has anti-acne capacities and do it in the morning and at night. Go for an exfoliating wash so you don’t feel so weird about grabbing a cotton ball and rubbing it all over your face like we girls do. That should do the trick enough.
- Moisturizer – this is especially important for men who smoke. Smoking, pollution, stress, excessive exposure to the sun – these can all cause the skin of men to become dry and unhealthy. It does not hurt to apply some manly lotion on your face after shower. No, it does not make your face “soft and supple” like a lady’s. But it does help make your face look younger. If you haven’t used any moisturizer in your life, The Independent made a top 10 list of the best moisturizers for men. Check them out here.
- Shaving – face experts advise shaving after a warm shower. It will make the facial hair softer and much, much easier to shave. Use gel instead of cream or foam – gel reduces friction that often causes dryer skin, cuts and peeling around the hair area. Also, use a good sharp razor – the blade can make all the difference between good and bad shaving.
- Sunblock Lotion – this is especially important for men who spend hours under the sun on a regular basis. Not only can this prolonged exposure cause your skin to be dryer and look older; you are actually increasing your risk of developing skin cancer due to the harmful UV rays of the sun. If you cannot survive being seen by friends under a pink little umbrella doing field work, then by all means stock your bathroom with sun block lotion with at least an SPF 50 mark. You can also get moisturizer that is infused with sunblock capacities so you don’t have to spend so much time applying and reapplying something.
Also, avoid facial wash and other facial
products that have whitening capacities especially if you have darker
skin on your body. You would not want your face to look way lighter than
the rest of your body. And when you exfoliate, moisturize and wear
sunblock, go from the face all the way to your neck. Your neck is just
as exposed as your face and practically has the same type of skin as
your face so it needs just as much attention. Follow all these and
you’re now ready to be a master seducer!
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