How to Get a Girl's Attention
tips and tricks that get one girl's attention might turn another girl's
attention away, because every girl is different. So if there's a girl whose attention you want,
what do you do? The following steps will help you get the attention of
any girl whose attention is worth having, no matter how old, young,
rich, poor, shy, or friendly she is.
- 1Exhibit good manners. Girls love guys who are polite and courteous. Don't do or say things that many people consider offensive, including swearing and making sexist/racist/etc. jokes or comments. If you act like a gentleman, demonstrating your respect for females and other people in general, girls will be more likely to welcome your company.
- Saying things that you know would probably offend some people isn't a good way to make or keep friends. It might look "cool" to your guy friends, but it's a real turnoff to the girls. It's easy to diss something; it's much harder to believe in something. Be a man and believe in something.
- Do common things that are gentlemanly, like opening the door for a girl, letting her cut you in line, and saying "excuse me." Doing the small things is really easy, and girls pay attention to them much more than guys do.
- 2Act like a gentleman around girls. Girls tend to have a different humor and perspective than guys, so being aware of and sensitive to these differences is important for your socialization.
- Don't make really sexual jokes or comments. Girls already think that guys are obsessed with sex, so don't make it worse by being obsessed with sex. Be mature and respectful about sexual matters, at least when you're around girls, and you'll definitely get a girl's attention.
- Don't treat women like objects or talk about them like they're inferior. It sounds basic, but a lot of guys assume women are stupid or ditzy or classless. This is unfair, and it won't make you very many friends among females. Think before you speak negatively about girls as a whole. As a rule of thumb, pretend that your mom is in front of you whenever you say something about girls.
- As you learn how to interact with girls, they will respond more positively towards your actions and you will feel more comfortable with them.
- 3Relax and be confident. When you are tense or nervous, you're more prone to feeling embarrassed if you make some minor mistakes. This is a turn-off for most girls. Staying calm allows you to fully enjoy a girl's company, stay confident, and show her the real you.
- Staying confident is hard, but try to imagine that the girl you're trying to impress is just a friend. You wouldn't be nervous around a friend, so why be nervous around her? If you're confident and manage to look cool and calm, you'll scream popular. Her attention will be yours in no time.
- The main thing is that you don't want to come off as needy, as if embarrassing yourself in front of her is the most devastating thing that could possibly happen to you.
- Be careful not to place all your hopes on a single girl; it will only make it more painful if things don't work out as you would like. Remember that there are plenty of fish in the sea. If things don't work out with a particular girl, simply move onto the next girl. That might make her sad she ever left you in the first place.
- Don't let any prior bad experiences prevent you from seeking opportunities that are available to you. If you've had a relationship that went bad, learn from it and put it in the past. It's not healthy to dwell on failed relationships, and it's probably not very attractive either. Embrace what life is giving you now, not what it could have given you in the past.
- 4Respect all girls equally. You stand a much better chance of making a good overall impression if you treat girls that don't interest you just as nicely as those that do. This doesn't mean that you need to talk to or flirt with every girl, but don't ignore them or treat them dismissively. You never know when a girl is going to suddenly get attractive, or who she'll become friends with. The best bet is to treat them all the way you would want to be treated.
- Don't talk to a girl about another girl's attractiveness; it's distasteful and can degrade the girl's opinion of herself. Plus, it's just easy to accidentally say the wrong thing, or say something you didn't mean. Stick to talking about other girls with your guy friends.
- You generally shouldn't talk about past relationships you've had, or other girls that potentially interest you. No girl wants to have to compare herself to your past relationships, and she really doesn't want you to compare her to them either. Make her feel like she's the only girl in your universe, and the universe will smile kindly on you.
- Include girls in your activities. When you're doing something and it's only guys, be brave and include the girls you want included. You don't have to do this all the time (sometimes it's just better without girls), but don't be afraid to add some girls to the mix. If boys call you out, you know they're jealous that they didn't have the courage to invite the girls. There's no reasons why girls can't be a part of your group.
- 5Make brief eye contact. Don't stare like a stalker, but don't avoid eye contact. When your eyes meet hers, hold that contact steadily for a second or two, maybe throw in a grin or a smile if it feels right, and look away and continue with your business.
- A smile is the universal sign of happiness. If you show people in general, and her specifically, that you're a happy guy, she'll want to be closer to you.
- Something as simple as flirty eye contact can show a girl that you're both confident and interested. Girls love guys' eyes.
- When you talk with girls, try as hard as possible to keep consistent eye contact with her. This tells her that you're really confident, and that you're paying really close attention to her.
- 6Make people laugh. Girls love guys who have a good sense of humor, and the key to having a good sense of humor is to be lighthearted and unabashedly yourself.
- As long as you're not making fun of people in a mean-spirited way, anything goes. Try jokes around your close friends, and figure out which jokes work and which ones don't. Use the ones that work and throw away the ones that don't.
- Is your sense of humor weird? Slapstick? Sarcastic? Go with it, and don't worry about whether or not she thinks you're funny because you know what? If she can't laugh with you, then this isn't a girl you want to spend a lot of time with anyway.
- Who knows? Maybe another girl you hadn't noticed before will be laughing so hard that her soda comes out of her nose, and maybe you've just found your soulmate.
- 7Be attentive. When you talk to a girl, give her your full attention. Listen carefully to what she says, and you may learn a lot about her and discover interests that you have in common.
- Ask her lots of questions. This will signal to her that you're genuinely interested in her apart from her looks. Ask her about her parents, her siblings, her childhood, her aspirations. Any question that is sincerely and respectfully asked is game.
- Give her time to speak. Traditionally, men talk more than women, but that doesn't mean women have less to say. If you ask her questions, give her time to express herself, and don't feel bad if she's talking a lot. Remember, her talking a lot is a good sign!
- 8March to the beat of your own drum. It's hard to grab anyone's attention when you look and act like everyone else. Do your own thing, whether that means standing up for yourself, defending someone else, or taking interest in something that no one else does, like playing an instrument or dancing when no one else will. The coolest people are the ones who break against the tide and make people question the status quo.
- Don't hide what it is that you like. If you're happy, confident, and enthusiastic, people will start to get interested in what your interested in. Don't act like you hate what you actually like; just play it off like it's not a big deal and sell the really fun parts of what it is that you like.
- Whether you like science experiments or sports, be passionate about your interests. Girls like guys who are passionate about life because it's infectious to be around. If you're constantly bored, you're giving off the wrong vibe.
- 9Help someone. It could be her, or it could be someone else in the room. Helping others says that you are humble, and that you're a genuinely nice person. Again, people just like being around others who humble and nice.
- Is she carrying something heavy? Say "Let me help you with that" and carry it for her.
- Is someone short on cash? Lend them a few dollars so they can eat lunch.
- In other words, be a kind and generous person. Not only will it get her attention, but it will also make you feel good about yourself.
- Don't be fake and do nice things only when she's around, though. Help people all the time, in a wide variety of ways. She'll notice, and so will the people she knows, and on the occasion that you come up in a conversation, people will say "He's such a great person!" and this girl will start thinking "Yeah...he is, isn't he?"
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