Tip#1: Build your confidence:
First important tip for approaching any women is build confidence. Without enough confidence you never approach any women successfully. A man should be bold and confident that is what every woman like to see in her man that is why while approaching make sure you approach women confidently. If you do not have right confidence then you will never approach women. Building confidence is the key for approaching women.Tip#2: Remove fear and anxiety:
Do you feeling fear of getting rejected? Or you feeling fear for being stupid in front of other people?
Tip#3: Build communication skills:
If you want to approach any women then you need to build communication skill inside you. Talking with your buddy and talking with the girl you are approaching is totally different that is why you need to learn how to talk with the girl you are approaching. Best way to talk with any girl is to talk slowly and sexy. While talking with the girl forget other things try to focus on what your girl is saying and then start answering to her.Tip#4: Build approaching skill:
Another tip for approaching women is you don’t need to put all your efforts in approaching one woman. If you get rejection from one woman don’t lose hope start approaching another girl. Enjoy the process of approaching women. Learn from your mistake why previous women reject your offer and then start approaching another woman. Go to coffee shop you will find number of girls start approaching from there. Approach one girl in a day, if girl reject your offer improve your body language and approach new woman tomorrow. Make approaching fun and remember you are not after woman, you are after approaching skill. Once you have approaching skill you approach any women without any fear.Tip 5: Select woman carefully before approaching:
Now the important part of how to approach women is select girl carefully. Pretty face does not mean she will be faithful to you. Before selecting women you need to select girl that have pretty from inside. You need to select those women that are willing to remain honest with you and your relationship. In our society normally girls start dating with another man and ditch her ex-boyfriend for no reason. That is why if you want to make long term relationship with any girl then you need to give importance to girl personality.Tip 6: Smile, Body Language and voice tonality should be perfect:
Make sure you take approaching women fun and enjoyable. If any girl sees you give her smile no matter if you seeing this girl first time. While approaching three things increases your chances and that is your smile, body language and voice. If these three remain perfect then you will approach any women without getting rejected. You can win heart of any women with your smile. Don’t try to force women for taking decision instantly instead give her some time to think.Tip 7: Wait for right moment:
Don’t rush for approaching any woman if she is with her friends. Glance at her and give sweet smile to her. If she is interested in talking with you then she surely start creating many opportunities to talk with you like stepped out while talking on the phone, leave her friends and go to another room or just give smile to you. These all are indication that she is willing to start talking with you. Grab such opportunity and start conversation by asking her name first.While approaching any women keep these tips in your mind. Remember don’t lose hope if you get rejected from one girl. Your Smile and eye contact are the secret of how to approach women. Remember, don’t waste opportunities that is created by the women. If she does not smile at you then it means she is not interested in you and you need to start approaching other woman
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